Taxonomic list T3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

zone of complex of central nervous system

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Level 2 region of complex of central nervous system Short Extended
Current level zone of complex of central nervous system
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Taxonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
84054 19732
zone of complex of central nervous system
zona complexus systematis nervosi centralis
75253 13276
zone of caudal rhombencephalon
zona rhombencephali caudalis
75254 5269 part
bulbar pyramid
pyramis bulbaris ; pyramis bulbi
5274 part
inferior olive of caudal rhombencephalon ; olive of caudal rhombencephalon
oliva rhombencephali caudalis
84363 5277 part
retroolivary area of caudal rhombencephalon
area retroolivaris rhombencephali caudalis
75257 5281 part
trigeminal tubercle of caudal rhombencephalon
tuberculum trigeminale rhombencephali caudalis
72255 5283 part
cuneate tubercle of caudal rhombencephalon
tuberculum cuneatum rhombencephali caudalis
75256 5285 part
gracile tubercle of caudal rhombencephalon
tuberculum gracile rhombencephali caudalis
74866 13275
zone of diencephalon
zona diencephali
74882 13273
zone of corticothalamic fibre
zona fibrae corticothalamici
74886 5993 part
frontal operculum
operculum frontale
74889 6007 part
parietal operculum
operculum parietale
74891 6020 part
temporal operculum
operculum temporale
74879 11631
zone of metencephalon
zona metencephali
77719 5088
reticular formation
formatio reticularis
62026 13592 part
reticular formation of thalamus
formatio reticularis thalami
84361 5978 part
lateral cerebral fossa
fossa lateralis cerebri
84358 5427 part
pontocerebellar angle
angulus pontocerebellaris
18 items
40 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
See note # 6006
See note # 6019
Type of list T3
List Unit Identifier 19732
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 39
Number of children 39 (validated)
Proper units 18
Number of units 18 (validated)
Signature 10417 (validated since 12.7.2024)
Date: 06.01.2025